Tuesday 5 June 2007


Press release May 2007


A student from Camberwell College of the Arts has created what is believed to be the world's largest hair sculpture, for her final degree show. Naomi St. Claire-Clarke, 34 of Camberwell in South London has built the 3 metre high by 2.5 metre by 2.7 metre baroque hair sculpture from millions of strands of human and artificial hair, which includes an assortment of both frizzy and straight hair, as well as braids, afro balls and kiss curls most of which has been brought from local Peckham hairdressers and shops. The sculpture contains the DNA of hundreds of people, it is literally the worlds largest wig, but it is unfortunately unwearable. So far it has taken 4 months to construct and the end is finally in sight!

Naomi says that the sculpture is not a homage to either Russell Brand or Amy Winehouse.
Naomi comments, `My work was inspired by a recent trip with my family to Ghana, where I bought a vodoun doll, which I became completely attached too and I actually now sleep with
It. My Dad is from Barbados where Ghanian slaves were transported too and I wanted to reference this fact, and to look at the way hair has played a vital role within culture and religion over the centuries and this still remains true today. I have called my giant hair sculpture `The Unconscious Significance of Hair'.

for more info call Naomi on 07762752576
or Matt Tillett on 02075147914
or go to http://camberwellcollegenews.blogspot.com/

Degree Show dates
Tuesday 19 - Saturday 23 June 2007Tuesday - Friday 9am - 8pm; Saturday 11am - 4pm

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