Tuesday 12 June 2007


In a marathon art performance that will last one week, students from Camberwell College of the Arts are to prostrate themselves an incredible 50,000 times in front of a temporary shrine and giant photograph of the new Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Starting on Wednesday 20th June 2007 at 10am outside Camberwell College on Peckham Road the students will work in ten hour shifts in an attempt to reach their target.

They expect to finish on the day Gordon Brown officially takes up office on the 27th June 2007. The mammoth adoration has been organised by the students in an attempt to ask the Prime Minister to consider 2 policy changes as he takes up his new post. Number 1, end student debt and number 2, bring the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ryan, a spokesman for the students says, "Its going to be tough, we have a strong team of students but one week of constant prostrating will be hard, we believe we can do 720 prostrations an hour, but a target of 50,000 is a lot. We all love Gordon and think he will make a fantastic Prime Minster and this is our way of expressing our love, adoration and belief in Gordon, we just want him to make these policy changes. Now we want him to believe in us and wipe out our student loans so we can start our lives after university debt free. And stop the wars. All hail our new leader, Gordon Brown, lets start a fresh." The shrine will be decorated with flowers and goodwill messages and hopefully people will come from far and wide bringing offerings to show their support for the new Prime Minister.

for more info ryan 07877376395 or 07944533010

This event is part of the Camberwell College of the Arts Degree show.
Camberwell College Degree Show dates Tuesday 19 - Saturday 23 June 2007 Tuesday - Friday 9am - 8pm; Saturday 11am -

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